Jobs & Careers



Students will learn that income is the starting point for personal money management. Students will understand that income:

👉   Comes from jobs or careers
👉   Pays for housing, food, transportation, and other goods and services

👉   Varies in amount and the way in which it’s paid for different types of income from work, including wages, salaries, commissions, and tips

⇣  Download Lesson Plan

Key Questions

👉   What is the starting point of personal money management?
👉   Do all jobs pay income in the same way?
👉   What is the difference between a job and a career?

Key Concepts

👉   Income
👉   Careers
👉   Wage
👉   Commission
👉   Tips

Questions about the video "Jobs & Careers"

Students will watch the video “Jobs & Careers” and discuss the following concepts covered:

  • What are some reasons that people work?
  • What are some examples of things that income must pay for?
  • What are some examples of careers? How are jobs and careers the same and different?

Questions about the video "Payday"

Students will watch the video “Payday” and discuss the following concepts covered:

  • What are some examples of jobs that pay an hourly wage?
  • What are some examples of jobs that pay a salary?
  • What are some examples of jobs that pay a commission?
  • What are some examples of jobs that pay tips?

Activity 1: Exploring Income

Students will work in small groups to research more about jobs that are paid as hourly wages, annual salaries, commissions, and tips.

Activity 2: Income Vocabulary Game

Students will complete a vocabulary worksheet to reinforce key terms related to income and different ways that jobs and careers are paid.

Activity 3: Jobs vs Careers

Students will discuss the difference between jobs and careers, then create a fictional career path to demonstrate how a career can include different jobs and positions over the course of working life, depending on individual professional goals.

Class Schedule

🕟   10 min: Video Introduction
🕟   25 min: Activity 1: Exploring Income
🕟   10 min: Activity 2: Income Vocabulary Game
🕟   25 min: Activity 3: Jobs vs Careers

Supporting Material

⇣   Worksheet: Income Vocabulary