Privacy Policy

1. Commitment to Privacy and Protection of Personal Data
MoneyDog, responsible for the services available on this website and its mobile applications, is committed and committed to complying with legislation on the protection of personal data, privacy and information security, in order to protect the personal data and privacy of its users in relation to to personal data collected and/or transmitted online when using our website and mobile applications.

The security and privacy of our users' personal data are concerns that are of crucial importance to us, as the Controller of the Processing of said personal data, and in relation to which we have put into practice and will always continue to put into practice the necessary measures to guarantee that we are always fully committed to complying with applicable legislation in these matters.

Please read the following text to understand and become aware of the way in which your personal data will be treated by us. This Policy aims to inform and explain the following points:
1- What information may be collected about users;
2- How will we use that information;
3- When will we be able to use your personal data to contact you;
4- If and under what conditions is that we may disclose your personal data to other entities;
5- Your rights in relation to your personal data that may be processed by us;
6- Which entity is responsible for collecting your personal data;
7- What are cookies , how we use them and how you can manage your preferences regarding them;
8- Technical measures and security organizers, with a view to trying to guarantee the user the protection of their personal data against access, alteration or unauthorized destruction.

‍2. Collection and Processing of Personal Data
Your personal data is requested when you register as a user in our mobile applications, via the corresponding form.

Your browsing may also be monitored for statistical purposes.

MoneyDog also collects information about your computer's hardware and software. This information may include your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times/usage time, content viewed and referring website addresses.

The categories of personal data that are subject to processing for the purposes referred to in this Policy are the following:
1- Name;
2- Email;
3- Telephone number;
4- IP address;
5- Type of browser used;
6- Domain;
7- Access time;
8- Address of reference sites;
9- Gender;
10- Date of birth.

3. Use and Purposes of Personal Data Collected
Your personal data is collected and necessary to ensure the user's identity, and the provision of the data requested during registration is mandatory so that the user can use the available services. When registering, the information that the user provides is intended to provide a service that is more appropriate to their characteristics and needs and to send information related to the use of the services provided.

The user will be able to update the information provided by them, whenever you want and with complete autonomy, in “My Profile" after logging in, by entering your username and password.

Operations providing personal data are duly protected. All information is encrypted and managed with the most advanced security tools.In addition to the purposes mentioned above, we may also use your personal data to maintain the quality of the services provided and to obtain general statistics regarding usage. For these purposes, we combine the data collected automatically with personal data, such as name and email address.

MoneyDog may also use your personal data within the scope of the services it provides, in particular, to:
1- Set up the user account;
2- Provide, execute and maintain the services;
3- Process and complete transactions, as well as for sending related information, including transaction confirmations and invoices relating to the purchase of goods and/or services;
4- Manage the use of services by users, as well as to respond to requests of information, comments, service and user support;
5- The preparation of statistics that allow us to understand how we can improve the level of services we provide and, in this way, more effectively meet users' expectations.

Your personal data may also be used by MoneyDog to communicate with you about products, services, offers, promotions and events that we believe may be of interest to you or to send newsletters, in accordance with your preferences defined in this context. However, the user may disable the sending of this type of communications at any time by activating the option made available in each newsletter received.

As mentioned, MoneyDog takes on the challenge and responsibility of protecting privacy and personal data as much as possible. of all users of your mobile applications. As a rule, we use your personal data internally and will only share such personal data with third parties when you have requested it or the user has given your consent to this effect. However, we will sometimes use third parties to process your personal data, on behalf of MoneyDog, under the terms set out in the “Transfer of Data to Third Parties” section below, and will only disclose your personal data when such disclosure is required or permitted by law (for example, by virtue of an administrative or judicial decision).

Under the terms and for the aforementioned purposes, we may contact you for the following reasons:
1- In relation to any online service or content that you have subscribed to, for example, to verify the your email when registering on our mobile applications, or to reset your password;
2- In relation to any correspondence you send to MoneyDog or any comments you make about our services;
3- To invite you to participate in surveys about our services (participation will always be voluntary);
4- To inform you of any relevant changes to MoneyDog's policies and practices;
5- And for marketing purposes, as indicated below.

MoneyDog will only send you marketing communications or contact you for this purpose, when you have given your consent to do so. The aforementioned personal data may also be processed by MoneyDog, in certain cases, in an automated way, to define profiles, with a view to the purposes already identified above, always in accordance with and respecting the applicable personal data protection legislation. MoneyDog will not sell, rent, share or offer personal data provided by its users, except in accordance with applicable personal data protection legislation and in the situations set out in this Privacy Policy.

4. Lawfulness of the Processing of Personal Data
All processing of personal data carried out by MoneyDog is lawful and has a legal basis, either (i) based on your consent to the processing of the personal data in question for the respective purposes; either (ii) because the processing in question is necessary for the execution of a contract to which MoneyDog and the user, as the holder of personal data, are parties, or for pre-contractual measures at the request of the holder of personal data in question; either (iii) because the processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which MoneyDog is subject; either (iv) because the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by MoneyDog, as controller, or by third parties.

5. Conservation of Personal Data
MoneyDog will retain your personal data as long as your registration is active or as necessary for the relevant activity, i.e. as long as necessary to provide you with the subscribed services (and without prejudice to any legal obligation that requires the retention of strictly necessary personal data beyond those retention periods).

If you wish to change your personal data or request that it no longer be processed by MoneyDog, you can contact us via the following email:

You always have the option to close your account on our mobile applications at any time. If you close your account, your personal data associated with your account will be deleted without undue delay, with the exception of your personal data that can or should continue to be processed by MoneyDog for remaining purposes — referred to above — under the respective database. lawfulness and always taking into account applicable personal data protection legislation.

MoneyDog is solely responsible for the collection of personal data carried out in our applications. Whenever the user ends using the services provided by MoneyDog, we do not assume any responsibility for the information collected outside the respective websites.

6. Cookies and Advertising Policy
I. What are cookies and how does MoneyDog use them? A cookie is a small informative file that is installed in the user's browser and stored on their computer when they visit a website. Cookies are used, as a rule, to improve the website user experience and website performance. MoneyDog uses cookies to collect and store information when using our websites and mobile applications. Each user corresponds to an individual cookie, thus guaranteeing data privacy and security. Cookies will only be used by MoneyDog and their use is limited to the following purposes:
1- Allow MoneyDog to know who the user is, storing account access details and user preferences, and thus provide a better service , safer and more personalized;
2- Allow MoneyDog to estimate the levels of use of the services it provides, by collecting and preparing statistics to optimize the functionality of websites and mobile applications. The presentation of statistical data is done in an aggregated and not individual way, not allowing the user to be identified. In this way, it is possible to evaluate the performance of our mobile applications from a perspective of constant updating and improvement, so that we can respond to the preferences and needs of each user.

II. How can you manage your cookies? The user may manage their cookies under the terms described below, however, some or all of the features of the MoneyDog websites may not function correctly if the user does not allow a certain minimum level of cookies. Different browsers allow you to view the cookies that exist on your device and to inhibit or delete, individually or completely, the cookies.

7. Transfer of Personal Data to Third Parties
The provision of information or services by MoneyDog to users through websites and mobile applications may involve the use of subcontracted third party services that involve the processing of your personal data, including entities established outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, which may imply access by these third parties to your personal data. In these circumstances and when necessary, MoneyDog will only use subcontracted entities that provide sufficient guarantees to carry out the appropriate technical and organizational measures so that the processing in question meets the requirements applicable personal data protection legislation with the level of security appropriate to the risk and sensitivity of the personal data in question and such guarantees and obligations of the subcontractor will be established by contract signed for that purpose between MoneyDog and each of these third parties.

Provision of services made available by MoneyDog that are subject to payment by the user, and if the user opts for a payment system that involves third parties (Visa, Mastercard and Paypal), the personal data strictly necessary for the purpose of validating and make the chosen payment method.

9. Security of your Personal Data
MoneyDog takes all necessary and legally required precautions to ensure the protection of information collected from its users through the website and mobile applications, taking into account the state of the art, implementation costs and the nature, scope, context and processing purposes, as well as the risks, of varying probability and severity, for your personal data. In this sense, MoneyDog applies the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the specific risk in question. These precautions seek to ensure the online and offline security of this information.

Whenever information relating to personal data that appears particularly sensitive is collected or used, the data will be encrypted using the SSL protocol. Under the SSL (Security Sockets Layer) protocol, 128 bits, which protects the transmission of all sensitive data over the Internet, all information is treated with maximum security. Your privacy is assured and the risk of data interception during communication is significantly reduced or completely reduced. However, it is the sole responsibility of users of websites and mobile applications to keep their access codes confidential, not share them with third parties and, in the particular case of the devices used to access, keep them in safe conditions of use, following the security practices recommended by manufacturers and/or operators, namely the installation and updating of necessary security applications including, among others, antivirus applications.

10. Your Rights as a Personal Data Holder under the GDPR
Under the terms of the GDPR, as the holder of personal data and in relation to the personal data subject to processing by MoneyDog, the user has the following rights, to be exercised under the terms of the GDPR and other applicable legislation relating to personal data:
1- The right to access your personal data;
2- The right to rectify your personal data;
3- The right to erase your personal data;
4- The right to limit the processing of your personal data;
5- The right to portability of personal data provided by you;
6- The right to object to certain processing of personal data concerning you;
7- The right not to be subject to any decision taken exclusively based on automated processing.

MoneyDog will make every effort appear appropriate under applicable legislation in order to provide, correct or delete your personal data that is subject to processing by MoneyDog.

11. Security Incident Management
MoneyDog has an incident management mechanism available related to data protection, privacy and information security. MoneyDog makes every effort to maintain and apply the most appropriate threat detection technologies that allow it to identify and respond to security or privacy incidents (and any personal data breaches under the GDPR) without undue delay.

12. Changes to the Privacy Policy
This Policy may be updated over time, so you are advised to consult this Policy whenever you provide personal data to MoneyDog. If you do not agree with any changes made to this Policy, we ask that you do not continue to use our mobile applications. If relevant changes are made to the Terms and Conditions of use of our mobile applications or to this Policy, in particular changes that affect the purposes for which we process the personal data of its users, MoneyDog may promote a specific communication for the dissemination of the occurrence of such changes, using, for this purpose, one or more communication channels.

13. Contacts
To exercise the rights of holders of personal data referred to above, or for any other question related to the protection of your personal data, privacy or information security, you may contact MoneyDog via the following email describing the subject of summary form and indicating an email address, telephone number or address for MoneyDog to respond to.